Preparing for the Oath – Online Naturalization Study Guide

Are you Preparing for the Oath – Online Naturalization Study Guide? Keep reading this post and discover all you need to know about that! What is the Online Naturalization Study Guide of Allegiance? The Oath of Allegiance to the United States is a sworn declaration that every citizenship applicant must recite during a traditional ceremony…

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Naturalization Through Military Service

If you want to know about Naturalization Through Military Service, we prepared this content to help you. If you are a member of the U.S. military might qualify for U.S. citizenship based on your military service. You can be naturalized even while you are serving in the military abroad. In addition, individuals who have been…

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Where to send naturalization application form?

Where to send naturalization application form? Form N-400 is called the “Application for Naturalization” and is used by Green Card holders who are ready to apply for U.S. citizenship after meeting eligibility requirements. Filing this form means the first step of “naturalization,” the process of becoming an American citizen. Where you must send the N-400…

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How many times can you fail the Citizenship Test?

How many times can you fail the Citizenship Test? Immigration Law is complicated and applying for citizenship in the United States of America is an important step in your desire to become an American citizen. Keep in mind, preparing for the naturalization test will require you to study and practice various topics to familiarize yourself…

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How to Get a Copy of Naturalization Certificate?

Your naturalization certificate is proof that you are a U.S. citizen and have successfully completed the citizenship process. If you lost the document is necessary to replace it. A naturalization certificate can help you prove that you are authorized to live and work in the US, travel on a US passport, and vote in US…

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How To Find My Alien Registration Number?

If you are wondering: How to Find My Alien Registration Number? Check this post and discover! USCIS assigns an Alien Registration Number to every immigrant. This number is required on immigration documents and other official documents. You can find your Alien Registration Number in different places depending on the type of visa or immigration documents…

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What is INS?

If you want to know what is INS, the answer is simple. INS means Immigration and Naturalization Services, in past, INS was part of the United States Department of Justice and was authorized to handle all the legal and illegal immigration and naturalization issues. The objective of INS was to protect and enforce the laws…

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U. S. Citizenship Benefits

To have U. S. Citizenship Benefits, you need to be naturalized. Naturalization is the legal process of becoming a U.S. citizen for people who were born outside the United States to become U.S. Citizens. The process is not simple, but the benefits of citizenship are compensators. You can become a citizen through naturalization and in…

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The Difference Between a Green Card and Citizenship

Do you know the Difference Between a Green Card and Citizenship? According to U. S. law, permanent residents and U.S. citizens enjoy many of the same rights, such as the right to live permanently and work in the United States, but U.S. citizens have other benefits that green card holders do not. Getting a residency…

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Temporary Protected Status

Humanitarian questions have been much discussed in recent days because of the war in Ukraine and getting a Temporary Protected Status is an option. Ukraine refugee situation is dramatic, so it is necessary for countries to provide assistance for these people, although there is no legal obligation. About 3 million refugees have fled Ukraine since…

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